Adjustable Mortgage Leads, Bankruptcy Mortgage Leads, Pre Foreclosure Mortgage Leads, Cash Out Mortgage Leads, Reverse Mortgage Leads, Home Equity Mortgage Leads, Home Improvement Mortgage Leads, Second Mortgage Leads, Late Payment Mortgage Leads, Short Sale Mortgage Leads, Hard Money Mortgage Leads, Commercial Mortgage Leads, Mortgage Broker Database, Mortgage Trigger Leads, Mortgage Turn Down Leads, Real Estate Agents Database, Real Estate Agents Database, Short Sale Leads, 30-60-90 Day Late Leads, FICO Scored Data, Modeled Credit Data, Mortgage Turn downs, Mortgage Triggers, Heavy Debt Homeowners. Conforming Mortgage Holders.
To start, 2023 will be the year of Adjustable-Rate Mortgage Refinances. The adjustable-rate mortgage will be a money-maker all year. The current interest rates will continue to produce great results for the rest of this year and into 2024. Clients dropping mailers saw results on their campaigns in the 3%+ or greater range. Most clients walked away with six times the money spent on the mail campaign. The clients who dropped 10,000 mailers or more walked away with even more commissions. When you get 6 to 1 plus on your marketing dollars, it’s a good time to step up for a mail campaign to keep your pipeline and loan officers complete all 2023. Most of the successful clients of 2023 are targeting the Mini Jumbo Streamlines Adjustable-Rate Mortgage Holders. Many independent brokers who just made phone calls did well and targeted the higher-end, streamlined borrowers. Most consumers are still unaware of the streamlined programs or their eligibility for these new programs. Most of all, these borrowers want to avoid a massive increase in their payments with adjustable-rate mortgages. This creates the urgency required to get a new mortgage closed. Get into some leads today!
Adjustable-Rate Borrowers – Adjusting Arm Alerts Get your LO’s into some leads today
A TON of these loans will be adjusting in 2023 and are looking for fixed rates or what relief is available. Others want a lower payment. While the credit is 640 or more, many of these borrowers lean toward the subprime type of borrower. Your competitors do not stand a chance against this type of targeted marketing.
Get into HIGH POWERED Adjustable STEAMROLLERS Mailers, Post Cards, and call lists. FHA Streamlines
FHA Market
The FHA market is always alive and well and producing slower but solid results, which will continue with good results for the rest of the year and all of 2024. If you like writing the FHA paper, it’s a great time to hit the FHA market with a Sprint Data Solutions preapproved mailer or pick up the phone and dial for dollars. Keep your pipeline full all of 2023 and avoid slowdowns.
Call Sprint Data Solutions 800-962-1802 or email
Balloon Mortgage Leads
This is a VAST untapped market of loans. Clients that are working these leads have quietly been making a killing. There is plenty of these borrowers who will have to refinance. These borrowers also tend to have a ton of untapped equity. Keep your mortgage team happy with plenty of fresh leads waiting for your daily call.
Veteran Streamlines STEAM ROLLER all of 2023!!!
The VA streamlines produced good and steady results all of last year. The VA market is full of borrowers with mortgages well into the 6%+ interest rate. There is not as much competition in the VA market as not as many shops write VA loans anymore. If suppose like working in the VA market
Reverse Mortgage Holders
The reverse mortgage borrowers continue to turn results. Sprint Data Solutions has segmented out Reverse candidates with late pay, tax lien, or debt issues and need to consider a reverse mortgage. JUMBO reverses have also yielded many clients $10,000 or more in commissions. If you work the reverse market, call Sprint Data Solutions today or email SprintData@aol.comSprint Data Solutions also has a double opt-in email for seniors. This is an excellent tool for your reverse mortgage newsletters and reverses mortgage updates. Build your database up today of qualified seniors.
The JUMBO loan market turned good results for our clients. We had many shops that targeted this savvy group of borrowers and made an absolute fortune in commissions closing the BIG ones. If you like working in the JUMBO market, it’s producing good results. You only have to land a few deals a month to make commissions. One Sprint Data Solutions client that invested $1000 in JUMBO triggers across five states made over $25,000 in commissions last month alone. The JUMBO borrowers are on the move!
Pre Qualified RENTERS
Sprint Data Solutions has pre-screen borrowers with verified income and solid credit scores ready for purchase if you are looking to attract purchase-type borrowers. There has never been a better time to buy a house with the prices and interest rates at all-time lows. These leads work well at keeping your realtor partner happy as well.
Bankruptcy Mailers
The clients dropped one these last months with over 3%+ response. This client just ramped up for a 25,000-piece mail drop. The results, complete with a call log, were ridiculous. This market has been untouched for so long. The borrowers are immediately on the phone—a virtual GOLDMINE not marketed for years. These borrowers are biting and not worried about the rates.
30-60-90 DAY Late Mortgage Holders
Everyone in the database is PRE-NOD with a 30-60-90 Late on the Mortgage. Most of the credit profile is tanked with limited options available. Get these people out of distress with new programs available in today’s marketplace.
Commercial Loan Borrowers & Real Estate Investors
Are you a commercial broker looking for retail deals or people that buy and have their money invested in real estate? Sprint Data Solutions has the premier file of real investors in the US. Everyone on the list is actively buying and selling real estate. Give this file a spin a try for high real estate speculators.
Complete National Association of Real Estate Agents Database
Are you looking to establish contact with your local realtor? I need to reach every realtor in the US. Call or email Sprint Data Solutions today and get every realtor with this file. Comes complete with a Postal, Phone, Fax, and E-mail. Reach over 800,000 active realtors immediately.
The newest weapon to add to the marketing arsenal. Sprint Data Solutions will put your message in the borrower’s voicemail. A newsletter is coming next month with all the instant results of this type of marketing.
HIGH Volume Voice Blast Special Below. Send 1 million FHA borrowers your tailored message! Voice Blasting Works and is CHEAP mass marketing with instant results.
Sales Leads
Need to get in touch with BUSINESS OWNERS that need cash or a mortgage? Look no further than Sprint Data Solutions. We can put you in touch with business owners that are real movers and shakers.
Need to reach the entire mortgage community? Need the correct list for recruiting, software sales, and mortgage-related product offerings. Are you a wholesale, commercial, or HARD MONEY lender looking for more brokers or a new pipeline of deals? Sprint Data Solutions can instantly connect you with 100,000 mortgage brokers. We have multi-Channel contact available Postal, Phone, FAX, or E-MAIL. This is an excellent file of independent mortgage brokers for recruiting new Loan officers, software sales, and mortgage-related products. The file has significant usage by Fannie Mae & Equifax. This is the nation’s premier Independent Mortgage Broker Database. This file also contains the complete NAMB members as well. Business email broadcasting is available with targeted opt-in lists. FORWARD TO A FRIEND IN THE INDUSTRY.